Showcase your project in ALICE booth, TRA Vienna, 16-19th April 2018
Tuesday, September 19th, 2017
The ETP-ALICE offers the opportunity to a limited number of R&I projects to showcase themselves with a poster, materials and on-screen presentations in our booth during the TRA 2018 in Vienna where +3000 participants are expected. On top, ALICE will promote the project in its network, web, social media, newsletter, etc.
We can offer two different possibilities to the projects:
- 30 minutes presentation on the LCD screen for invited people (max 20) up to two times within the TRA2018. Poster on the wall and leaflets to disseminate the project as well as 15 minutes project presentation/video to be projected on the LCD when no project presentation is running over the whole TRA duration. Opportunity to receive guests in the project area of the booth for the whole duration of the TRA.
- Possibility 1+ use of the high tables in the booth for small meetings + option of organizing a reception and drinks at 17.00 at the booth on a certain day for invited guests.
Prices for above options:
- € 2.500 per project
- € 4.000 per project (excluding cost of catering)
Download the information here. For more information & Booking please contact:
The total surface of ALICE booth is 35 m2 (7 x 5 meter) located at the entrance of the exhibition hall, right-hand doors.
ALICE booth layout & joining projects

TRA 2018 Exibition Hall (Draft)

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