Dec 13, 2022

Online Workshop: How to facilitate the transition towards sustainable urban logistics?

Monday, November 28th, 2022

The DUT Partnership steps up the game to tackle urban challenges. Through research and innovation and capacity building, it enables local authorities and municipalities, service and infrastructure providers, and citizens to translate global strategies into local action. It develops the skills and tools to make urban change happen and boost the urgently needed urban transformations towards a sustainable future with enhanced quality of life in cities.

Objectives of this webinar:

  • Sharing views from city authorities and logistics practitioners on challenges and opportunities they face when implementing sustainable urban logistics
  • Identify opportunities the Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) programme can support for implementation of innovative solutions of urban logistics (priorities, type of projects, type of consortium etc.)

Who should join: Anyone who is interested in implementation innovative logistics solutions in cities including but limited to:

  • Cities authorities
  • Logistics innovative solutions providers and potential buyers
  • Researchers
  • City networks and organizations for cities’ climate action

Format of the workshop: The workshop will consist of presentations and group discussions. Presentations will provide examples of current practices for inspiring discussions. Participates will be divided into several groups and each of the group will consist of various stakeholders: city authorities, logistics practitioners, researchers etc. Each group will consist of about 12 participates and have a moderator to guide discussions report key outcomes. Participates will be automatically assigned into different groups. Online survey using SLIDO will be open during the workshop to collect additional inputs.

13 Dec 2022, 13:00 – 15:00 (CET) (via Zoom)

Final Agenda

13:00 – 13:10 Welcome and Objectives of this workshop, by Jeanett Bolther, coordinator of the ENTRANCE project

13:10 – 13:20 Introduction of Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership, by Maximilian Jäger, DUT Coordinator of 15-minute City Transition Pathway

13:20 – 13:30 Good practices for Smart Governance and Regulation & Clean & alternative fleet:

  • Zero Emission Urban Freight by Catherine Ittner, Zero Emission Freight Senior Programme Manager, C40

13.30  – 13:55 Break-out session – Group discussion I: Zero Emission Urban Freight

  • Which are the main challenges and barriers for the implementation and enforcement of zero-emission zones from your experience?
  • What are key opportunities and drivers for implementations of zero-emission vehicles and solutions requirements?
  • Where do you see the biggest need for innovation & demonstration in this field?

13:55 – 14:15 Good practices for logistics operation, data acquisition, and consumer engagement:

14:15 – 14: 40 Break-out session – Group discussion II: Logistics operation, consumer engagement and data acquisition

  • What are key drivers for implementations of collaborative logistics solutions?
  • Today, we can choose the fast delivery for our e-commerce but we cannot choose the most sustainable delivery. What kind of innovative solutions and demonstrations do we need for engaging consumers to facilitate zero-emission urban delivery in the closest future?
  • Where do you see the biggest need for innovation and demonstration in data sharing or anything to help us in reaching zero-emission urban freight transport?

14.40 – 15:00 Summary of Group discussions

15.00 Adjourn

More information:

Activities performed in the frame of the ENTRANCE Project. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement N°101006681

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