Mar 24, 2021
ALICE WEBINAR: AEROFLEX – Aerodynamic and Flexible Trucks for Next Generation of Long Distance Road Transport
Friday, March 5th, 2021

Wednesday 24 March 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CET)
The AEROFLEX project is developing and demonstrating new technologies, concepts, and architectures for complete vehicles with optimized aerodynamics, powertrains, and safety systems as well as flexible and adaptable loading units with advanced interconnectedness contributing to the vision of the physical internet. The AEROFLEX project is liaised with ALICE and the final phase of the project has started. The demonstrators, equipped with all AEROFLEX innovations, are running on the test track at IDIADA and on a public motorway form IDIADA to Fraga. Through this webinar on 24 March 2021, you will get an overview of the first results, the opportunities beyond the project running time and finally the details of the final event, planned for 28 September 2021.
AEROFLEX is striving to demonstrate efficiency improvements in long haul road freight transport up to 33%
The previous 2 webinars in cooperation with ALICE already gave you some insights of the goals and objectives as well as interim achievements of AEROFLEX. You are welcome to watch and listen the recording of these webinars to bring you up to date. They are available on the AEROFLEX section at ALICE Knowledge Platform.
The upcoming webinar is planned as an interactive session, giving you the benefit of getting involved and actively discuss with us the results, the interpretations, and the activities beyond the project.
Opening Session:
- Welcome and rules of the webinar
- ALICE introduction
- Project overview and highlights
Session I Short presentations followed by Q&A and interactive Sesssions on the following topics:
- P&G use case and next steps: Smart Loading Units and Tools into Practice.
- Modelling of freight 2040: Implications of High Capacity Transport
- e-Dolly and the next steps
- Intelligent Access Policies initiative and next steps
Session II Outlook and closure:
- Horizon Europe opportunities
- R&I opportunities beyond AEROFLEX
- The way forward
All presentation are available on the AEROFLEX project website (here).
Ben Kraaijenhagen (
BeCat, Ben Consultancy in automotive and transport
Grown up with trucks and transport of freight and in business since mid-1982.
More than 35 years of expertise in the mobility and logistics industry in many countries worldwide. Has an in-depth expertise in trend analysis, the creation of scenarios, product stewardship, mobility and logistics and public funding programs. Developed research and innovation roadmaps including project ideas to develop new concepts and new technologies meeting the challenges of the coming decades. He held many workshops and interviews with focus groups to discuss and mirror future challenges, needs, and requirements. He is engaged in many platforms and associations, e.g. ALICE, ERTRAC, IFRTT, Metropolregion Munich, EUCAR, ACEA, and EIT KIC to shape the future of a sustainable and competitive Europe. Since October 2017, he is leading the project AEROFLEX, AEROdynamic and FLEXible trucks for the next generation of long-haul freight trucks in Europe. 23 partners out of 7 European countries and Turkey. A project funded by Horizon 2020 and supported by a Sounding Board counting 58 members from industry, logistics, research institutes, associations, authorities, and policymakers. Early 2018 he got involved in the EIT Urban Mobility Community, a consortium of 48 partners, being cities, academia, and Industry, working towards liveable urban spaces for our European cities and beyond. Currently he acts as the interim Director Innovations. His vision is sustainable mobility for freight and people, being efficient and affordable with a minimal negative impact on the environment, health, safety, and society. To achieve this, he is convinced that we need a paradigm shift in our thinking and ways of doing business. He is more than happy to support the academia, industry, and communities to face these challenges and turn them into real projects. |
Fernando Liesa (
Dr. Fernando Liesa is Secretary General at ALICE, Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe since its creation in 2013.
Fernando holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering by University of Zaragoza (2004, Spain). Fernando has 20+ years of experience in research, knowledge management and management of triple helix organizations and relationships linked to environmental and chemical engineering, process industries, manufacturing and lately, (+15 years) to logistics and supply chain management. Fernando has worked for more than 19 years linked to the European Arena and Institutions and is part of AEROFLEX Advisory Board
After his PhD, Fernando worked for the Technology Transfer Office of Univeristiy of Zaragoza (2004-2006) and then moved to the Zaragoza Logistics Center (MIT Global Scale Network Center) as Knowledge Transfer & External Funding Director (2006 to 2014). He combined this position with the General Management of the Spanish Logistics Technology Platform, LOGISTOP (2007 to 2014). From 2014 to 2016, Fernando worked for ENIDE being full time engaged with ALICE since September 2016. |
Dr. Per Elofsson (
Per Elofsson graduated 1998 from The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm with a Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics following an M.Sc. in Vehicle Engineering. From 1998-2003 he worked at Volvo Car Corporation in Gothenburg as an Aerodynamicist and Attribute Leader for. In 2003 he joined Scania in Södertälje, where he now works as Senior Technical Manager, Aerodynamics.
In AEROFLEX he is the leader for Work package 3, Aerodynamic features for the complete vehicle, with the main objective to develop efficient aerodynamic measures for longer vehicles and to quantify their performance. |
Giuseppe Cordua, (
Iveco – CNH Industrial
Giuseppe Cordua is a senior passive safety specialist with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. He spent his 20 years job activity oriented on automotive and industrial sectors. He focused his experience in research and development being involved in several virtual and physical validation campaigns on passenger cars and commercial vehicles. He join IVECO, a brand of CNH Industrial, since 2005 with different roles; currently he covers the role of passive safety simulation technology manager at CNH Industrial following transversally all the global product lines. In AEROFLEX project he is co-leading the WP5 together with Alessio Sarcoli. |
Ton Bertens (
Van Eck Trailers
Manager Research and Development, project leader new developments.A s manager R&D, Ton is responsible to develop new transport solutions. New , special developed, transport solutions always generate ROI for the customer. This assignment is fully done by the R&D department. The new solutions are defined, designed and prototypes build by R&D. In bigger projects Van Eck has played a major role in, not only inventing new ideas but also realize and test them. |
Henning Wittig (
H. Wittig studied Electrical Engineering (Automation and Control) at Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
Since November 2007, he has been a Research Associate with the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems (IVI),Dresden, Germany. His research activities are in the area of modelling and simulation of energy storage systems and system integration of (hybrid) electric powertrains |
Andreas Lischke (
Andreas is working as research associate at the department commercial transport of DLR – German Aerospace Centre, Institute of Transport Research. He is the head of group innovation and transport systems in freight. He is an expert in alternative fuels and drive trains for commercial vehicles with the scope of user requirements e.g. range, payload, cost parameters. Andreas is the WP leader of ‘Map and quantify load in EU and potential for configurable truck’ and is supported by TML, MAN and VOLVO. |
Marta Tobar (
IDIADA Automotive Technologies S.A
Marta Tobar is the R&D Responsible of the Homologation Commercial Vehicle Department. She is an Industrial engineer who joined IDIADA in 2013. As R&D responsible of the Homologation Commercial vehicles department, she has participated in European and National projects related to autonomous driving (ENSEMBLE, HEADSTART, ARCADE and SHOW) and fuel saving development and emissions such as LNG Blue Corridors, COLHD and AEROFLEX. She is the project Coordinator of H2020 PIONEERS project which aims to reduce fatalities and severity of injuries for Powered Two Wheelers. In addition, she has been the Project Manager of the TENDER “Bodies and trailers – development of CO2 emissions determination procedure” and currently is the PM for the TENDER “Support preparation of legislation on trailers certification” both related to VECTO. |
Dr. Hilal van der Holst (
Hilal van der Holst received her PhD degree in Composites Structures from Mechanical Engineering at University of Porto following her M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees from Aerospace Engineering at Middle East Technical University. She has been working in international R&D and innovation projects in aerospace and automotive industries. She has joined ZF Group in 2018 as an Innovation Project Manager and leading multiple R&D and Innovation projects with a focus on Vehicle Aerodynamics and next generation technologies. In AEROFLEX project, she is mainly responsible for the design and development of Aerodynamic Control Systems reducing the aerodynamic drag and improving the fuel efficiency as a part of WP3, Aerodynamic Features and supporting CARGOCAM developments within WP4, Smart Loading Units. |
Elisah van Kempen, MSc (
Elisah van Kempen works as a researcher and consultant at TNO, the department of Sustainable Transport and Logistics. She actively works on projects concerning Connected and Automated Transport (CAT), Truck Platooning and Self Organizing Logistics (SOL). Her main focus is on how to integrate these in logistics operations and on the impact on people, organizations and their business models. Next to that, Elisah pursues a part time PhD at the Rotterdam School of Management (promotor Prof. Rob Zuidwijk) on the adoption and transition of Connected and Automated (road) Transport. In AEROFLEX Elisah facilitates the process of working towards a common vision on Intelligent Access Policies |
Dr Christoph Jessberger
MAN Innovation & Foresight
Mr Dr Christoph Jessberger, PhD in economics, expert in the MAN Innovation & Foresight, studied economics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich (LMU), worked abroad as intern for Siemens strategy in Shanghai, did his PhD in economics at the Ifo institute for economic research and did doctoral studies at the LMU in advanced econometrics. At Bauhaus Luftfahrt, a think tank for the future of aviation, he analysed future drivers and scenarios of the air transport market and led the development of a future aircraft and city airport concept. In two parallel voluntary positions he was chairman of the working group ‘Sustainability’ of the Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. (aireg) and a member of the Advisory Council of the German research project AUFWIND. At MAN Truck & Bus SE he worked for four years as strategic foresight expert and developed long-term future scenarios, a technology radar and long-term technology roadmaps. In his current position at MAN he is responsible for the engineering pre-development roadmaps and innovations. In his daily work, he develops research and technology roadmaps, facilitates the integration of new innovations, and acts as project leader or project partner of publicly funded projects. Since 2019 he is the master contact of EIT Urban Mobility for TRATON, Scania and MAN and in close contact to 50 other EIT Urban Mobility partners (cities, industry partners and research institutes) to jointly develop city solutions meeting future mobility needs. Herein, his latest work related to zero emission off-peak urban deliveries by full electric trucks is present in the media: |
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Activities performed in the frame of AEROFLEX – Aerodynamic and Flexible Trucks for Next Generation of Long Distance Road Transport project . This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769658. |
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