CLEVER, Creating Legitimate Emission Factors for Verified Emission Reduction

The CLEVER (Creating Legitimate Emission Factors for Verified Emission Reduction) project, launched on 1 June 2024, is designed to tackle one of the most persistent challenges in the transport sector: the development of reliable and standardised greenhouse gas (GHG) emission factors. This project is an essential component in the broader strategy to promote sustainable practices and mitigate climate change impacts across European transportation systems.


The primary goal of the CLEVER Project is to harmonise the calculation of GHG emissions across all modes of transport – covering freight and passenger services. By developing new, harmonised emission factors that consider both conventional and emerging fuels and energy sources, the project addresses gaps in the current methodologies from well-to-wake. The project will enhance the accuracy and reliability of emission assessments, reporting and certification, supporting logistic stakeholders in making informed decisions towards decarbonisation.


The CLEVER framework introduces a robust, cross-cutting methodology that ensures a consistent calculation of emissions factors, which will be able to be adapted seamlessly as industry technologies and practices evolve. This framework will incorporate:
  • A comprehensive review of existing emission factors and methodologies, identifying and integrating scientific advancements.
  • Development of new GHG emission factors that reflect the full energy lifecycle of fuels used in transportation.
  • Implementation of a multi-stakeholder approach, engaging experts globally through co-design, co-creation, and co-assessment processes.

Impact and benefits

The standardisation of emission factors will resolve current discrepancies and uncertainties in GHG calculations, thus facilitating more accurate and quantifiable emission reporting. This is crucial for both policy-makers and businesses striving to meet stringent environmental regulations and corporate sustainability goals. Moreover, the CLEVER project’s outcomes will directly contribute to the EU’s broader goals of transport decarbonisation, aligning with global efforts to curb environmental impacts.

Why ALICE is part of CLEVER and what is its role?

ALICE participates in the CLEVER project to advance its mission of transitioning European logistics to net zero emissions. As a leader in logistics innovation, ALICE’s involvement ensures the integration of cutting-edge research and multi-stakeholder collaboration essential for developing standardised emission factors. This project aligns with ALICE’s strategic objectives to foster industry-led research, support digital transformation, and facilitate the implementation of the Physical Internet, driving towards a sustainable, resilient logistics sector.

  • Knowledge management and keeping it accessible is key for the ALICE organisation, therefore ALICE will work on the CLEVER repository which will include the scientific state of the art, relevant initiatives and existing and emerging regulatory frameworks on emission factor for logistics.
  • In addition, ALICE will lead the work package in raising awareness and ensuring market uptake and sustainability of the CLEVER project, working towards an adoption roadmap for the CLEVER results.
  • ALICE will work together with the CLEVER partners to liaison with regulators and make sure that the CLEVER methodology and findings are aligned with international standards and will be used by emissions certification schemes.

Consortium members

The project consortium is led by PNO INNOVATION, involving 11 partners from 8 European countries.


Expanding the collaboration with the rest of project partners:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101146908. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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