General Assembly

Responsibilities: The General Assembly gathers all the ALICE members. It discusses and assesses ALICE past, present and future activities and formulates recommendations to the Executive Group, therefore ensuring a shared vision of all the logistics stakeholders.

They could propose changes and give inputs to the platform strategy, activity plans and key deliverables through appropriate channels established by the Executive Group.

Working rules:
• General Assembly meets 1-2 times a year.
• General Assembly members have access to the relevant working papers through the collaborative work space and information e-mails. The General Assembly adopts its decisions by a majority of at least 2/3 of the attending members.

Composition: ALICE membership is open to any representative of an interested legally established organization – including an industrial or commercial company, trade association, research institute, university, trade union, or a non-governmental or other stakeholder that supports the strengthening of research, development and innovation efforts in the Logistics sector in Europe.

Any potential member should send a membership request to the Secretariat.

New members should be approved by the Executive Group. The General Assembly should be informed about the new membership.

Participation: Members should be compliant with the decisions of the General Assembly.